Talion is a finalist for Best SIEM Solution

Talion is a finalist for Best SIEM Solution

We Detect Cyber Threats 24/7 Delivering best-in-class MDR, Hybrid SOC, and Threat Intelligence Services, giving you total transparency and complete control

Welcome to Talion

Total Transparency. Complete Control.

We believe every organisation deserves full visibility and complete control over how threats are monitored, how decisions are made, and how their business is protected. Our Hybrid service is a partnership that allows organisations to have as much or little control over their cyber security as they want.

51% of Security Leaders say the ROI of the SOC is getting worse not better, while 80% say their SOC’s complexity is very high.* We specialise in making cyber security management simpler. We leverage the vast volumes of data created across a complex web of security technologies to reduce your security risk. Through simple and easy to consume security management solutions, we deliver actionable results which drive a measurable improvement in your security outcomes. We make cyber simple.

Talion Collaborates With Technology Partner DEVO

Maximising value and flexibility.

What we do
We build cyber security programmes that are woven into the fabric of your organisation.
Problems we solve
Our aim is to reduce the complexity involved in securing your organisation and to give security teams unrivalled visibility into their security operations, so they can make optimal decisions, fast.
I'm worried about the impact to my business of a cyber attack, or perhaps I've already been breached?

Not understanding your cyber risk and your security posture can leave you feeling, and being, exposed.

If you’re unsure of where to start, we recommend undertaking a cyber risk assessment. Understanding your cyber risk is the cornerstone to any cyber security programme and will help you to:

  • Prioritise and align security resources to business objectives
  • Inform a business case or security improvement programme
  • Demonstrate return on your security investment


Discover more on cyber risk assessments.

Cyber is so encompassing that my business does not know where to start.

The challenge of keeping up with cyber threats is unrelenting. Recruiting and retaining an in-house cyber team with the breadth of skills to effectively protect your organisation is difficult and time consuming. Couple this with the cyber skills shortage and you can end up spending an extortionate amount of time dealing with HR, rather than securing your organisation.

There are broadly three ways we can support you in this challenge:

  1. Compliment your team with our cyber experts, read more on Staff Augmentation
  2. Help manage your security technology to make it more effective and efficient, read more on SIEM Platform Management, SIEM Content Management, Managed EDR and Managed NDR.
  3. Leverage Managed SOAR, a single platform that bridges the gap between your data and your disparate security tools, giving you visibility across your security operation. With Managed SOAR you benefit from our expertise in security orchestration & automation, and it allows you to collaborate directly with our most experienced security analysts.

Learn more on Staff Augmentation, SIEM Platform Management, SIEM Content Management and our Managed Services.

I have invested in security technology but am not getting the value I expected from the investment.

This is a problem we see often. Many, if not most, organisation have invested in various security technologies over the years, often ending up with a web of point solutions which are difficult to manage, configure and optimise, let alone stitch together for a comprehensive view of the risk profile across your estate.

If you’re running a SIEM platform in-house we have expertise to help in the management of that platform and in writing detection content that will get you fewer false-positives. However, often that does not go far enough.

Managed SOAR is the hub of your security operations, it’s a single platform that bridges the gap between your data and your disparate security tools, giving you visibility across your security operation. Rather than working across multiple technologies such as SIEM, EDR and NDR, our platform unifies these systems so that your analysts have one single work bench from which they can detect, investigate and respond, with a complete picture of the threats facing your business.

Learn more about SIEM Platform Management, SIEM Content Management and Managed SOAR.

My security team doesn't have the time or resource to deal with the constant onslaught of security alerts, we'd rather spend our time doing other things.

It’s no secret that the cyber threat is with us 24×7, it’s unrelenting and, a lot of the time the alert triage our analyst must do is, well, dull. Many of our clients want to keep the more interesting work for their in-house team and outsource the more mundane tasks to us, helping to improve job satisfaction and reduce attrition. Or, in some cases, they simply can’t justify staffing there SOC 24×7, so, we take the unsociable hours.

Or you may just need the help of some cyber pros when things get hectic, you suffer a breach or perhaps it’s the Christmas retail rush. Whatever you circumstance, we run a 24×7 SOC and can offer staff augmentation to support your security operation.

Discover more about Staff Augmentation options.

I have too many alerts, too many false postitives and probably too many security tools.

Each security tool purchase begins with the best intentions but what many security teams are left with is a complex web of technologies which are churning out too many alerts, or too many false positives. The implementation, tuning and ongoing management takes time, resources and skills and it often falls down the priority list.

Our Hybrid SOC solutions can take this burden away from security teams, leaving them with more time and space to focus on what matters.

Discover more on SIEM Platform Management, SIEM Content Management and Managed SOAR.

Did we mention we like numbers?
of our staff are engineers, analysts and developers who build and maintain our robust managed security service.
We track over 200 of the world's most dangerous cyber attack groups.
We’re assembling a collaborative community of experts and innovators, a comprehensive team of industry partners primed to tackle threats from all angles.
Whatever your business needs, we have a solution that will fit them.
Your data, demystified.
Side-by-side support.
Built on your terms.
Whatever your business needs, we have a solution that will fit them.
Security solutions you can see

We don’t do black-box solutions. You have full visibility across absolutely everything that goes on in our SOC, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Unsure of how to leverage your security tools to reduce business risk?

Making sense of, and getting value from, your security data can be a daunting task. At Talion you can BYOT (Bring Your Own Tech); our security management platform integrates with your security technologies and utilises orchestration and automation to maximise their value.

Talion - Talion


Hybrid SOC Datasheet

Build a flexible security solution that suits you

We live in a world of hybrid working. Why should cyber security be any different?


• 5 Hybrid SOC components, including SIEM, Managed SOAR, Staff Augmentation and Threat Intelligence
• How Hybrid SOC leverages your existing technology investments whilst augmenting missing capabilities for the ultimate flexible solution
• How 2 customers utilised Hybrid SOC to solve their security challenges

Download your Hybrid SOC datasheet here

Don’t just take our word for it.
Senior Director – Security Operations - Talion

Talion’s model is based on people and partnership and not just technology… We spoke with others who aspired to this, but it simply wasn’t what they did; they had a much greater focus on dashboards and alerts. In contrast, the people at Talion told us: ‘We’re here when you need us – just pick up the phone. We can meet weekly, monthly – whatever works for you. We’re here to help.’ It was hugely important for us.

Senior Director – Security Operations

One of Britain’s Largest Technology Companies

Our Partners

We recognise that there are times when we can’t do it all, where knowledge resides with other parties. Which is why we’re assembling a collaborative community of experts and innovators, a comprehensive team of industry partners primed to tackle threats from all angles.

Looking to maximise value and flexibility?
Learn how Talion and DEVO partner to achieve this.
Discuss your cyber security needs
Contact us below and one of our team will be in touch to answer your questions.

Call us on 0800 048 5775

Call us directly and we’ll put you in touch with the most relevant cyber expert.

Get In Touch With Us

Not currently free to call? Give us a brief description of what you’re looking for by filling out our form and we’ll email you as soon as we can.