Talion is a finalist for Best SIEM Solution

Talion is a finalist for Best SIEM Solution for the 4th year in a row

4 Ways Agile Cybersecurity Providers Outpace the Big Ones - Talion

Finding the right cybersecurity provider is paramount – you hear it everywhere. It’s true, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to mitigate, which means SOC teams and cybersecurity systems need to work that much harder to keep up. While big security companies might seem like the obvious solution due to their size, reputation and “bought” innovation, agile security providers are quickly gaining ground by offering unique innovative advantages that set them apart.

Here are four ways that agile security providers outperform their larger counterparts, offering businesses like yours a tailored cyber security solution built on transparency and trust.

Company Size Doesn’t Equal Capability

It’s a common misconception that larger companies offer better capabilities. While larger security providers make grand promises, they often deliver black box solutions that offer no visibility into how your security posture is being managed. This generic approach leads to a lack of partnership or support between you and the security provider, leaving you feeling undervalued and paying for a service that is underdelivering. To keep your data and your business safe these days, you need transparency on how you are being protected and mitigating risk with these partners.

Enter boutique-style security providers, taking a more personalised approach in the industry.

With a focus on collaboration and innovation, boutique security providers offer solutions tailored to your unique challenges that blend seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Hybrid SOC, for example, follows a “pick and choose” approach – a unique capability that larger security providers often don’t provide. It allows customers to decide what part of their existing service is working and improve upon the areas where there is perceived risk to people, technology and processes.

SOAR as a service is core to Hybrid SOC as it creates the capabilities needed to use the components of a customer’s existing cyber platform and augment the risk areas such as data coverage (SIEM) and level 1 and 2 support in the form of staff augmentation. This increases overall value and reduces risk in the current service. Unlike bigger corporations that might hand over a solution and take a step back, agile providers work side by side with you to ensure that your cyber security strategy evolves with your business needs.

As a security leader, you may find that large companies struggle to innovate efficiently at scale. Agile security providers, however, have that flexibility to develop new strategies at a faster pace with less red tape and restructuring.


The Value of Integrity

One of the standout qualities of agile security providers is their commitment to sincerity, transparency and visibility. Unlike their larger competitors, agile providers don’t claim to be a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, they excel in what they do and communicate that clearly to their clients. This level of open communication establishes a strong foundation of trust and partnership.

With agile providers, you’re never left in the dark – there are no black boxes to contend with. You have insight into their processes, are actively involved in problem-solving, and are continuously learning and growing. This contrasts with the experience some might have with big security corporations, where the lack of transparency can leave clients feeling isolated and uncertain.

At Talion, we see our staff, customers, and partners as a security ecosystem. We work in tandem with each other to achieve greater innovation, collaboration and results. Our commitment is not just to cyber security, but to the success of your business as well.


man smiling whilst working, reflecting the value of integrity in agile cyber security providers.


Realistic Objectives You Can Count On

When it comes to cyber security, there’s no room for overpromising and underdelivering – not when data, reputation, and revenue are at stake. Agile security providers understand this fundamental principle and set realistic objectives that align with your business’s security challenges, like:

  • Missing unknown threats
  • Lacking effective detection, monitoring, and response capabilities
  • An overwhelming amount of security alerts

Agile providers can hone in on these concerns and offer you specific strategies, such as:

Security teams want a cyber security partner that’s committed to delivering tangible and immediate results. With realistic objectives in place, businesses can take confident steps toward enhancing their security posture without the fear of unrealistic expectations.


Tailored Cyber Security Made For You

To an agile security provider, you’re not just another client – you’re a meaningful contributor to their security ecosystem. By focusing on customer-focused solutions, they adapt to your requirements, rather than forcing you into a predefined model. This level of flexibility sets boutique providers apart from their rigid, larger counterparts.

A prime example of this customer-centric approach is seamless integration with your existing technology. Agile providers understand that your current systems are part of your operational DNA. By tailoring their solutions to integrate seamlessly, they ensure minimal disruption while maximising security. With Hybrid SOC, you have the ability to select what will work for you. You can take full benefit of Managed SOAR by plugging in add-ons like Threat Intelligence, staff augmentation, and more based on your specific needs. Both you and your agile security provider will have a clear understanding of where your security gaps lie and how you can fill them together.

At Talion, we aim to intimately understand the network, systems and processes of our customers so that we can adapt to any impromptu risk. Learn more in our War Stories.


Final Thoughts

The cyber security landscape demands innovation, flexibility, and trust. How else can businesses mitigate the risk of increasingly sophisticated threat actors? Agile security providers offer a fresh perspective by delivering tailored cyber security solutions, fostering open communication, setting realistic objectives, and focusing on customer needs. As the digital world continues to evolve, businesses can benefit immensely from partnering with providers who value collaboration, transparency, and effectiveness over sheer size.

After all, big companies buy innovation. Boutique providers deliver it.

So, before you renew that contract with a big security giant, consider the advantages of agility and personalisation that boutique security providers bring to the table. Your cyber security strategy deserves nothing less than the best-fit solution, and that’s precisely what agile providers excel at delivering.

Discover the unique advantages Talion offers as an agile security provider –  book a consultation with us.

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We’re a tight-knit, highly skilled operation, so when a threat arises, we move quickly.
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We’re a tight-knit, highly skilled operation, so when a threat arises, we move quickly.
24x7x365 UK-based Security Operations Centre
Service underpinned by market leading threat intelligence team
Continually developed threat relevant content, backed by SLAs
MDR service has featured in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for 6 consecutive years
Experts in SIEM and SOAR technology
UK-based Senior Leadership
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Learn how Talion and DEVO partner to achieve this.
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